Sophie & Margot
I am so excited to be sharing these photos finally! This newborn session was a dream! These two baby girls were absolute dolls, our entire time together and it made for beautiful photos! Twins are incredibly miraculous to me. During our time together, I learned that Eric and Yan didn't find out until HALF WAY through their pregnancy that they were expecting twins! Eric was telling me that as they were on their way to their anatomy scan ultrasound he joked with his wife about how crazy it would be if they "found two in there". That is every mama's "hold your breath moment" during an ultrasound as they assure us that they are "just making sure there is one". I cannot imagine what that news felt like and boy, would I have loved to be a fly on the wall! Double babies and double blessings! What's even more commendable is that when I asked her what they were having, she told me that they were waiting until birth. All she knew is that it would be two boys or two girls because they are identical. Yan informed me of her babies safe arrival and that they had two healthy baby GIRLS. Yay! I quickly got to making these adorable headbands as I didn't have TWO of any and I anxiously counted down the days that I could get my hands on these squishy little peanuts!
Eric and Yan's house was absolutely gorgeous and the babies' nursery was something out of a Magnolia magazine! Check out the accent wall that the cribs are on. Let's just say I am talking my hubby in to a very similar wall for our nursery because I fell in love! Our time together was picture perfect. Once their bellies were full, the sleepiness set in and these two babes fell fast asleep in their wraps. I really enjoyed my time with this new family of four and am in love with the images we captured. I feel so thankful to have been able to capture this precious chapter for them and look forward to watching these baby girls grow. Eric and Yan, keep up the great work! I can't imagine TWO babies my first time around but also see that you have double the love in your home too! Thank you for allowing me to capture this moment for you and I hope you enjoy these memories!