@Photo Credit: Jenifer Veloso @ Jeni B Photography
I earned my Bachelor of Fine Arts (with a concentration in photography) from Michigan State University. Go Green! It’s been fourteen years since I started my business and I now get to harvest the fruit of my labor in my opportunity to work from home.
I became a wife in September of 2016 to the greatest guy on Earth who also happens to be my best friend.
I became a mom in May 2018 to the sweetest little girl I have ever laid my eyes on. That is, until I met our second daughter who now has the second half of my heart! Thanks to these girls, I now know what that unconditional love feels like. They are our world.
I'm a Christian and enjoy watching God work through my business, the people I work with, and the moments I capture.
I'm also a freelance graphic designer specializing in invitations, home decor, and other fun print collateral.
I have a nine year old black lab named Alice who lives for her tennis ball and our daughters.
I graduated from Fowlerville High School in 2007.
I love to laugh...even at my own jokes sometimes.
When not shooting photos in the fall color, I enjoy being in my treestand with my bow in hand. I've hunted all my life and that is definitely a happy place of mine! Being a mama has really made it hard for me to make it out to the woods, but when I do, I am quickly reminded how much of an escape it is.
I am native to and love living in the mitten! Camping and being outdoors is my fave!
I'm a sucker for anything emotional and full of love. I have many moments where I am tearing up behind my camera at the cuteness through my lens. I love that with a press of a button, I can capture memories for people, that will last a lifetime! The minute I release that shutter, that moment is history. I feel like I have super powers!